The Unknown

The next level of scrapbooking is digital scrapbooking.  I am well aware that these two samples which are my first digital pages ever are simple.  Scrapbooking is supposed to be simple and the attention should be on the pictures not on the other embellishments. Some people can pull off simple, but it's complicated.  So, really it's complicated not simple.

Getting to know adobe photoshop is complicated because of all the buttons without any instructions on how to use them.  Please label them, adobe and have a link as to how to use them. 

Frankly, I haven't scrap-booked in awhile. I haven't felt any inspiration. However, I do have this cute nephew and I have wanted to try out digital scrapbooking.  I am not sure how I feel about digital scrapbooking. 

Despite some marketing. Here are two lies/myths out there.  Digital Scrapbook pages will stay around forever unlike paper.  Technology changes all the time. Programs age, flobby disks are not coming back and if you stored your information on them without updating and your computer broke that could handle flobby disks, good luck.  You are never getting that information back unless you buy some converter which is tragic.  So, no digital scrapbooks won't stick around forever. The second one is digital scrapbook pages I believe will look dated in a couple of years.  Like computer animation in movies, computer animation gets better and better.  Thus, watch a movie from a couple of years ago and it quickly has aged because of the special effects.  This could happen to a digital scrapbook because digital scrapbook elements will only get better.

The positive side is no glue is sticking to your fingers.  You can use your embellishments over and over again which you could never do with regular scrapbooking. You don't have to go to the store every time you need something.  All you need is the internet.  Many digital scrapbooking websites offer free stuff.  If you go to this handy dandy website, then you can sign up to receive daily emails that have free digital scrapbooking embellishments.
