Goals for Girls

I went to return a dress at Forever 21. After I found what I was looking for to have an even exchange, I had noticed all these really young girls. In the dressing rooms, they were talking about how they had to find the perfect outfit to impress boys that night. First of all, boys usually are not impressed by outfits unless it shows some skin. Second of all, they really shouldn't care because boys their age could care less about them in the end. They all had tons of make up on and were about twelve years old. All of them had fake tans (no one is that tan at the beginning of a summer with no sun unless you have naturally dark skin).

I was thinking that was glad that I never was that stupid. I'm glad I never have walked out of my house looking like a tramp. Someone recently told me that most girls don't have plans for themselves. When I was growing up, I went to conferences that were supposed to inspire girls to get careers in medicine and science. Or be all that you can be. Most women I know if they have a job, it is a low paying job that does not require that many skills.

I just wish I could tell girls to stop being stupid. They are not being told by people they will listen to that education is the way to a good future. There is more to life then hair, clothes, and makeup. Those are all great things, but too large of a dose or quantity is too excessive. But, how do you make people care or listen that is the question?


  1. Michelle,

    I'm glad you are one of the few young women who see this problem - it is centuries old.

    Be a mentor, Michelle. Go, for the small amount of time you have before your mission call (because I know you will go), to a place where young girls will be active (recreation programs, Boys & Girls Clubs, summer reading programs) and volunteer a couple of hours a week so you can be an example for them.

    So glad to hear from you. Keep me updated!


    Sis. H.

  2. http://shankman.com/an-open-letter-to-the-two-kids-on-the-m-11-bus/. Really loved this letter. Made me think of your blog. Keep writing! Keep serving! You are great.


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